Team Earth 2024 - 2025
Mrs Devenport
Mrs Power
Welcome to Team Earth
We would like to welcome you to Reception and provide you with information about all the exciting things that are happening in our class.
Have a look at our webpage and if you have any questions we are always there to help!
Autumn Term
Welcome back to the second half of Autumn Term at Manor Park School. We really enjoyed sharing the photos the children brought in for our Ready Steady Grow project in the first half of the term and they are now all dislayed on the corridor wall.
We are continuing the term with lots of celebrations of Bonfire Night, Diwali and Remberence Day. After this as we moved towards December we will be exploring Stick Man by Julia Donaldson before moving on to lots of Christmas actvities and stories.
Our 'Pathways' book for our English lessons will be 'I Want To Eat This Eat' by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros.
Please use the links below to support your child at home.
BBC adaptation of Stickman | Read aloud | Christmas Activities |
The Autumn newsletter can be found below with more information.
Recent feedback comments from our questionnaire for parents.
"Thank you for making the transition into primary school such a positive experience for us. She really enjoys the school day, has made friends and really likes her teachers."
"We’ve found Manor Park to be such a friendly, welcoming and positive school. All the staff have been approachable and kind. I’ve been really impressed with the consistent approach to phonics teaching. I love that whilst learning and progressing are clear priorities, so is the children enjoying school and being able to make the most of having fun as children!"
"Amazing teachers who have the time for all the children and parents. Lessons and parent info are well thought out"
"The teachers are very hands on with each child and are easy to talk to. The school has a very friendly and supportive learning environment that encourages and supports strong links with home"
"My child has been here for the past year and we can say that the attitude towards the kids is wonderful! He loves to come to school and that tells us everything"
"My children have been to a lot of different schools and can honestly say this school has been the best, it ticks every box"
"I would like to thank all reception staff for supporting and teaching my child. I am proud of how she has grown in such a short amount of time"
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