
Please see the documents below for key information around good attendance at school.

Attendance Matters to us at Manor Park. Therefore we are constantly reviewing our procedures and incentives.

To focus on getting all children into school for as much time as possible, we have reviewed our current practice and made a few changes.  We will be implementing the following strategies in school to promote good attendance.


As you know, we aim for the attendance rate of the school to be 98% or above. The chart below explains the impact of pupil absence on the number of learning days lost in school.

Attendance during one school year

Equals days absent

Which is approximately weeks absent


4 Days

1 Weeks


10 Days

2 Weeks


19 Days

4 Weeks


29 Days

6 Weeks


38 Days

8 Weeks

While we appreciate that children fall ill and that sometimes absence cannot be avoided, it is important to be mindful of the number of days lost over a year, and the importance of being at school as much as possible.

If you need any further information regarding attendance please come in and speak to us.

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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mrs Sarah Jeffery | Head Teacher 01625 568837