Team Mars 2024 - 2025

Miss Whitwam

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Welcome to Team Mars


Welcome back, we hope you have all had a wonderful and refreshing Christmas and New Year.

We are very much looking forward to the Spring term and carrying on all the great learning from the Autumn term. We are pleased with how well the children have settled in and the progress they are already making. We can’t wait to see how much they will continue to learn this term!

Have a look below at some of the things they will be learning!

Is Maths Mastery Right for the EYFS? | Learning and Development | Teach  Early Years


In Maths, the children will be learning about the place value of numbers to 20. They will use their number bonds to support them with adding and subtracting 1- and 2-digit numbers to 20 including solving one-step and missing number problems


In English this term we will be reading a story about a shy, little mouse who goes on a journey of self-discovery and finds out that even the smallest of creatures can have the heart of a lion.  The children will explore the role of the characters, the structure of the text and the use of language and engage in lots of roleplay and discussions. They will be putting all of their previous learning to use by saying their sentences out loud, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Finally, the children will plan and write a journey story of their own which combines all their learning. 


We put a high emphasis on reading in school with daily reading activities.  It’s our expectation that all children read at least 3 times per week at home.  We ask that parents read with their children and sign the home school diaries at least 3 times a week (ideally every night). “The more you read, the more things you will know.  The more you learn, the more places you’ll go!” (Dr Seuss)

Learning Adventure -  Home sweet Home 

In our Learning Adventure lessons the children will be learning all about our local environment, the countries and the capital cities within the UK. 

In Science this term the children will examine a variety of materials and learn about their different properties. They will investigate simple physical processes and learn how to predict, test and collect results.

In Geography, the children will study the local area, draw detailed maps from a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the school grounds and identify human and physical features that they have found. They will also learn how to use compasses to navigate direction (North, South, East and West). Finally, they will learn about the U.K, identify the capital city, the surrounding countries and understand where it is located within the world.

In Art this term we will be creating artwork inspired by James Rizzi, exploring how to mix colours and study the various shapes and patterns he uses in his art. In DT we will be using a variety of moving mechanisms such as sliders, levers and pivots to make moving pictures.

Water Bottles:

Please make sure your child brings a water bottle into school with them every day. We have fruit provided for a snack or your child can bring in a healthy snack for at break time. 


The class has P.E lessons every Monday and Thursday.


Will be set/given out on a Friday and is to be completed be the following Wednesday.       

Maths – Games on EdShed every other week.

Grammar/ English - Games on Edshed every other week.

Spellings- Given out on a Friday with reading books

Numbots- 10 minutes a week.

Reading - If your child reads with you throughout the week, please write in their journal to let me know.       

Home Journals: Please ensure your child’s home journal is in school every day. If you wish to deliver a message to your child’s teacher, please send your child into the class with their journal in their hand if there is a message in it. 

 Useful links:





We hope the children are looking forward to the new topics and don't forget if you have any questions please ask, We are always happy to help!

Thank you for your support,

Miss Whitwam and Mrs Taylor 


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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mrs Sarah Jeffery | Head Teacher 01625 568837