Team Jupiter 2024 - 2025

Mrs Thompson

Mrs Cain

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Welcome to Year 5 Spring Term



In Maths, Y5 children will be learning how to multiply a 2 digit and 3 digit number by a 2-digit number. In addition to this, they will be learning about percentages, fractions and decimals. The children will also start to become more familiar with calculating area and perimeter, as well as graphs and tables. Problem solving and reasoning strategies will be developed throughout each topic.  


 In English, we will be doing lots of work on describing setting, characters and creating atmosphere in our writing. We will also focus on integrating dialogue into written work so that it reveals character and advances the action. Throughout the term, we will be concentrating on the books ‘The Selfish Giant’ and ‘Island.’ 


Are you a survivor?  This topic has a science focus, in which the class will learn about evolution and inheritance. The children will become familiar with the difference between inherited and acquired characteristics. They will recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information from millions of years ago. 

Gateway to the World: In this unit, we will be comparing Manchester to Barcelona and analysing similarities and differences. We will also focus on the works of L.S. Lowry and the children will become more familiar with some of his most famous pieces, as well as producing our own art inspired by him.                                    

PE: Please can all PE Kits be in school throughout the school week. Our PE sessions will take place on a Monday and Wednesday throughout this term. All children are to come to school wearing their PE tops on their PE days. Please can all items be clearly labelled. Please note that most of our PE sessions will be outside so an additional jumper or jogging bottoms for PE during the winter months would be welcomed. 

Water bottles: Please can all children bring in a labelled water bottle for them to use throughout their day at school. 

Homework: Homework will be set online for both Maths and English. Maths and English homework will be set on alternate weeks but Spellings and Rockstars practise will be set weekly. Homework will be set on a Friday and due on a Wednesday.  

Reading: It is expected that children will read at home every day; please encourage children to log this in their planners. Children do not need to read to an adult for each session and independent reading is more that suitable, however there is a joy in sharing a book with a family member, younger sibling or friend so please do encourage this where possible. 

Planners/ Messages: Should you need to speak to either of us, please either write a note in your child’s planner or contact the school office, who will either pass the message to us or arrange for one of us to contact you. Please ensure if you write a note for me in your child’s planner, they come into school with it in their hand to guarantee we see the message. 

Thank you for continued support.

Mrs Thompson and Mrs Cain


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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mrs Sarah Jeffery | Head Teacher 01625 568837