Team Jupiter 2024 - 2025

Mrs Thorley-Hackett

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Welcome to Year 5 Autumn Term



Maths: In Maths we will begin the term looking at place value within 1,000,000, moving on to focusing on formal methods for addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. We will also be working with fractions, decimals and percentages. We will then move on to look at perimeter and area along with graphs and tables. To further support our learning in maths we will also complete Core Skills tasks each week which will include consolidation and pre-teaching of maths concepts. We will also be taking part in daily arithmetic challenges.

English: In English, we will be using our inferencing skills to make predictions and use evidence from the texts to support our ideas. We will begin to evaluate the authors language choices and reflect on how language, structure and presentation all contribute to texts. We will look at enhancing our writing through selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary. We will look to describe settings, characters, and atmosphere. Throughout the term, we will be concentrating on the books:  ‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’ by Jo Hoestlandt and ‘Can We Save the Tiger?’ by Martin Jenkins.

Learning Adventure Projects: How can power both create and destroy?

Keep Calm & Carry On: This topic has a history focus, in which the children will learn about World War 2. The children will become more familiar with some of the key figures of WW2, as well as investigating what life would have been like for an evacuee. The children will also produce propaganda posters, and build Anderson shelters in their Art and Design and Technology lessons.

Bright Sparks In this unit, we will be recognising that light appears to travel in straight lines. We will also be developing our understanding of how objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. Electricity will also be a focus of this unit, where the children will learn to recognise symbols representing simple circuits and be able to understand the functions of different components within a circuit such as switches, bulbs and buzzers.

PE Please can all PE Kits be in school throughout the school week. Our PE sessions will take place on a Monday and Tuesday throughout this term. All children are to come to school wearing their PE tops on their PE days. Please can all items be clearly labelled. Please note: Most of our PE sessions will be outside so an additional jumper or jogging bottoms for PE during the winter months would be welcomed.

Water bottles Please can all children bring in a labelled water bottle for them to use throughout their day at school.

Homework Maths, Grammar and Spelling homework will continue on EdShed and TT Rockstars will also continue to be set weekly. All homework will be set on a Friday and due on a Wednesday. Spelling tests will also take place on a Wednesday.

Reading It is expected that children will read at home every day, please encourage children to log this in their planners. Children do not need to read to an adult for each session as independent reading is more than suitable, however, there is a joy in sharing a book with a family member, younger sibling or friend so please do encourage this where possible.

Planners/ Messages Should you need to speak to me please either write a note in your child’s planner or contact the school office, either by telephone or e-mail, who will either pass the message to me or arrange for me to contact you. Please ensure you let your child know if you write a note in their planner so that they know to pass this on to me.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Thorley-Hackett

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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837