Team Neptune 2024 - 2025

Mrs Simpson

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Welcome to Spring Term for  Team Neptuneneptune - Copy.jpg

What a start to the 2025!  The children have certainly embraced the snow and had lots of fun over their first week back.  I hope you all had a wonderful winter break and are looking forward to spring tern where we will start seeing longer days and a bit more sun!  We have a packed curriculum, with lots of challenge for the children of which I know they will grasp with the brilliant resilience, enthusiasm and determination they demonstrated last term.


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Throughout this term we will befocusing on the following knowledge and skills in Maths through Power Maths scheme; We will cover: multiplication and division of 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, money, statistics, length and fractions.   We will also continue to practice our fluency of timetables through Times Tables rock Stars and fluency of mental maths through tough ten.  Please make sure your child is completing their 15mins of TTRS every week.


our tower.jfif

 This term in English we will be using the book “Our Tower” by the 2022-2024 Children’s Laurette  Joseph Coelho that explores living in a tower block and looking for adventure.  Children will be inspired to create a journal capturing their adventure into a strange magical world.   They will learn to master to skills of progressive and  present perfect tense, consolidate their use of inverted commas for speech and further develop their ability to engage a reader through detailed description.        


After the February break children will then have the opportunity to explore and understand about refugees through the moving story of Idris, a child refugee.  A Wisp arrive at their cap and helps them to reawaken their hopes for freedom.  Through a diary entry children will master the skills in expanding nouns, prepositional phrases and choosing nouns for clarity and cohesion.



As budding scientists the children will start to understand the wonder of electricity.  They will explore how it created and travels to our homes.  They will  through hands on investigations create circuits and explore how electricity travels through a circuit and carry out tests to identify materials that can conduct or insulate.

Learning Adventure


In our learning adventure we will be exploring everything about rivers.  It will start from the tiniest drop of water and understanding the process of the water cycle.  They will then explore and be able to explain a rivers journey from source to mouth, identifying it’s key features.  An exciting part of this adventure is the opportunity to take part in fieldwork – getting into the outdoors for practical learning.  They will also be inspired by the work of Monet and his ability to capture to beauty of the water.  


Our PE lessons are on Thursdays and Fridays every week. Please can PE kits be in school and labelled with your child’s name.

Water bottles 

Please can all children bring in a labelled water bottle for them to use throughout their school day.


Homework will be set on Ed Shed, this will include spellings, maths and grammar. There are 3 parts to be completed every week.  Homework will be set on Fridays and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday. Your child has their own individual login for both Ed Shed and TTRS inside their planners, which are to be taken home and brought into school every day.  Homework is an essential part of their learning as it helps them consolidate learning and take responsibility to work independently.


Reading for pleasure is a crucial part of learning and development.  It helps spark your child’s imagination and develop essential literacy skills.  Please support your child to read their Accelerated Reader books for 20 minutes each day at home.  They can also read any other books, be they fiction or non-fiction. Planners will be checked weekly and I would encourage you and your child to write about they are reading.  It could be about what they are enjoying, what is happening or how it makes them feel.  Please sign their planners weekly.

Planners/ Messages

If you wish to deliver a message to me, please use the planner as a form of communication but make sure they remember to hand it to me that morning so as to guarantee I see the message.  As always, I encourage open lines of communication between school and home. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the term, please do not hesitate to contact me through the school’s administration team. 

Mrs Simpson

Thank you for all your support.


Files to Download

02 - Kane & Kane - Save Us! (reprise).mp3 03 - Kane & Kane - Sycorax.mp3 04 - Kane & Kane - Full Fathom Five.mp3 08 - Kane & Kane - My Milan.mp3 07 - Kane & Kane - Run For Your Life.mp3 06 - Kane & Kane - All You Can Eat.mp3 01 - Kane & Kane - Save Us!.mp3 05 - Kane & Kane - Let's Raise A Glass To Caliban.mp3

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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mrs Sarah Jeffery | Head Teacher 01625 568837