Healthy Minds

So far, we have enjoyed two Healthy Mind's Day events at Manor Park School. This is an exciting day that allows us to place emphasis on the importance of WELL-BEING FOR EVERYONE. During this day we invite parents and carers into school, to learn about emotional well-being and to enjoy coffee and cake. We use this day to promote healthy lifestyles, to teach strategies and to encourage conversation about mental health with our whole school community. Even our staff have been learning how to take care of their own well-being. 

This Year we celebrated Children's Mental Health Awareness Week from 4th- 10th of February. All parents were invited into school during this week to complete different activities with their child's class. Please take a look at our amazing display of photos and work from this week next time you are in school.

In school this year, Year 3/4 have been looking at the 5 ways to well-being and how to feel G.R.E.A.T

G - Give something back 

R - Relate to others

E - Excersise your body and mind

A - Appreciate the world

T - Try something new

Talk to your children about the 5 ways to well-being and see if you can come up with some ideas together about how to do these things every day to support your own emotional well-being.

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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mrs Sarah Jeffery | Head Teacher 01625 568837