Team Saturn 2024 - 2025

Ms Bisson

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Teacher:  Ms Bisson


Dear parents/carers and Team Saturn children,  


Welcome to the Spring term in Team Saturn.  


We hope you have had a lovely Christmas break and are feeling energised and looking forward to more year 4 learning. 


We will use Power Maths resources to focus on the following topics this term:  

  • multiplication and division  
  • length and perimeter 
  • fractions  
  • decimals  

Times tables rock stars (TTRS) will be part of our homework and in school learning every day. By the end of year 4, the children will be confident recalling all their tables up to 12 x 12.  


our tower.jpg                                                                   wisp-a-story-of-hope(1).jpg           

Our English lessons will focus on two exciting and moving new texts - Our Tower by Joseph Coelho and Wisp A story of Hope by Zana Fraillon and Grahame Baker-Smith. Alongside this, we will study spellings and grammar following the EdShed programme of study.  


In our geography project, we will learn about the water cycle and study a local river system – the River Mersey - and compare and contrast this with the River Weaver. In addition, we will learn how to use the eight points of the compass and four-figure grid references.    

                  electricity.gif                             water cycle.jpg                                                    

In science, we will study electricity and states of matter. Children will be constructing a simple electrical series circuit using bulbs, buzzers, motors and even designing their own switches. They will also investigate solids, liquids and gases and observe as changing states.  



Our PE lessons in Spring term  are Tuesday and Thursday  every week. Please can PE kits be in school and labelled with your child’s name.  


Homework will be set on Ed Shed, this will include spellings, maths and grammar. Homework will be set on Fridays and needs to be completed by the following Wednesday. There will also be Times Table Rock stars (TTRS), your child has their own individual login for both Ed Shed and TTRS.  


Please support the children to read their Accelerated Reader books for 20 minutes each day at home. Planners will be checked regularly and house points will be awarded to children who record what they have read in their planners.  


Please get in touch if you have any questions.  

Best wishes,  


Ms Bisson  

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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mrs Sarah Jeffery | Head Teacher 01625 568837