Team Saturn 2024 - 2025

Ms Bisson

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Teacher:  Ms Bisson


Maths: In Maths, year 4 children will be learning about place value in 4-digit numbers.  We will also be learning addition and subtraction methods. We will learn about area in measure before moving on to learn multiplication and division.

To further support our learning in maths, we will also complete core skills tasks each week which will include consolidation and pre-teaching of maths concepts. We will also be taking part in daily arithmetic challenges (Tough Ten). 

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English: In English, we will continue to build on our prior grammatical knowledge by using expanded noun phrases for description, prepositions to express time, place and cause, group related ideas into paragraphs and use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech.

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We will be applying our skills on work based on these 2 quality texts: Gorilla by Anthony Browne and Leon and the Place Between by Angela McAllister.



Going, going, gone!

In our science project, we will be learning about animals including humans. We will discover which animals do not have a skeleton.  We will explain how muscles and bones work in the human body and learn about how a healthy diet keeps our bodies healthy. We will also label and order the process of food digestion and explain the function of different types of teeth.


Could you escape from Roman Pompeii?


We will also have a History project based on the Romans. We will discover

when and why the Romans invaded Britain. We will find out what changes occurred in Britain during the Roman occupation and describe the impact that the Romans left on Britain. We will also identify key aspects of Roman life. Children will also look at examples of Roman art and create a mosaic as well as design a Roman purse.

PE Please can all PE Kits be in school throughout the school week. Our PE sessions will take place on a Wednesday and Friday throughout this term. All children are to come to school wearing their PE tops on their PE days. Please can all items be clearly labelled.


Water bottles Please can all children bring in a labelled water bottle for them to use throughout their day at school.




Spelling homework will continue to be set on EdShed, as well as alternating weekly grammar or maths quizzes.  Times Tables Rock Stars is set weekly for all children as well.

All homework will be set on a Friday and due on a Wednesday. Spelling tests will also take place on a Wednesday.


Reading It is expected that children will read at home 20 minutes every day, please support children to log this in their planners. Children are encouraged to read to an adult, sibling or friend often as well as read independently. Planners will be checked weekly so please do make a note of what you read each evening. 😊


Planners/ Messages

At any time, if you need to speak to me, please either write a note in your child’s planner or contact the school office by telephone or e-mail. I will get in touch as soon as possible.


Thank you for your support,

Ms Bisson

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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837