Team Venus 2024 - 2025

Mrs Durban

Miss Atherton

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Welcome to Team Venus 



We hope that you had a fantastic summer break and are ready for the first term as Team Venus. We are looking forward to having a fun Autumn term full of exctiing learning.

This term our topic is called ''Why did London burn?'

The children will be working hard to achieve their goals in all areas of the curriculum. Have a look at some of the things they will be learning!


    MathsSouth View Community Primary School - Maths Curriculum


    In Maths, we will be learning about numbers to 100, addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers and properties of shapes.





In English this term we will be using two texts for the focus of our writing; Look Up by Nathan Bryon and The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark by Jill Tomlinson.  We are very excited about the opportunities for creative and imaginative writing.  The text is initially top secret and the children will be encouraged to use their predictive skills through lots of questioning and discovery.  This half term we will be building on skills already developed in Year One – writing sentences beginning with capital letters, using clear fingers spaces and punctuating with full stops.  The children will be involved in discussions with plenty of opportunity for collaborative learning. The children will begin to include more details in their writing using noun phrases and adverbs of time.  They will develop new language skills and learn about writing in the past and present tense.  All these skills will build up gradually over the half term as the children grow in confidence with their writing.  We cannot wait to see some fantastic writing!

Learning Adventure - Why did London burn?

This area of learning links to many areas of the curriculum. The history focus will take children into an event beyond living memory and enable them to learn about the Great Fire of London through artefacts and photographs. This will be brought to life when we visit Nantwich Museum and compare it to the Great Fire of London.

The journey to London in our Geography topic will see the children re-visiting, naming and locating the countries and the capitals of the UK and describing simple compass directions. To support our learning around the UK we will identify geographical similarities and differences, through human and physical features.

Our question of ‘why did London burn?’ lends itself nicely into our science this term where we will be investigating everyday materials. We will be exploring material characteristics and their properties and learning how materials can be changed. We will be talking about the materials that houses were built out of during the Great Fire and why the fire spread so quickly.


PE will be delivered twice a week on Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit and pumps or trainers, in school at all times.



We put a high emphasis on reading in school with daily reading and spelling activities.  It’s our expectation that all children read at least 3 times per week at home.  We ask that parents read with their children and sign the home journals at least 3 times a week (ideally every night).

Planners/ Messages Please ensure your child’s home journal is in school everyday. If you wish to deliver a message to your child’s teachers please use the home journal as a form of communication, however please send your child into the class with their journal if there is a message in it.



Spelling – 5 practice games on EdShed every week.

Maths – 5 practice games on EdShed every week.

Grammar on quiz shed every other week.

Homework is set on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Wednesday. Rockstars is also set weekly through the garage section, where children will work on 2,5 and 10 times tables. All passwords are at the front of your child’s reading journal.


Useful Links


We cannot wait for an exciting term of fun filled learning.

Miss Atherton, Mrs Durban, Mrs Caveney and Miss Dixon



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Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837